We improve the lives of young people in a range of very challenging circumstances through music and arts based opportunities

Young People in Youth Justice Settings

We run creative projects in Youth Justice settings that directly contribute to rehabilitation and encourage young people to live secure, meaningful and socially responsible lives


Author: Rebeka Haigh

Music and Mental Health

Young people’s mental health is an increasing concern. Using music through our specifically designed project has proven to be a good way to connect with young people in a way that feels comfortable to them


Author: Rebeka Haigh

Mothers and their Babies in Secure Settings

Children of women who are held in secure facilities should be offered specific provision that supports their development as babies and toddlers... and that's exactly what our musical project achieves


Author: Rebeka Haigh

Deaf Young People and Instrumental Learning

We’re making musical instruments accessible for deaf and hearing impaired young people around the region



Our impact


children and young people in a range of extremely challenging circumstances across Yorkshire have engaged in our projects this year


children and young people and mothers of very young children in Justice settings received support as part of our projects this year


people engaged with our Refugee and Asylum Seeker's programme, providing musical activity and opportunities to refugees in the local area

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Music Makes Lives Better Because

Sounds Like...

  • Sounds Like... the colour RED

    The red mist has descended, left our playlist with a crimson glow and ALL of these cherry-picked tracks are real rubies... Read more

  • Sounds Like... POWER!

    Today's playlist is all about POWER! The power of music, the power of voice, and the power to stand up for what you believe in... Read more

Their Stories

  • Our Work with CAMHS

    Our Music and Mental Health project is a programme of music education work with the aim of improving and / or supporting the mental health, fitness and well-being of vulnerable children and young people in our region. We're pleased to share with you both the development of the project and a selection of case studies of the children taking part. Read more

  • E's Story

    E, a timid and anxious young woman looked after by the Youth Justice Service in Kirklees, has come on in leaps and bounds with Jess Armstrong's support and the ability to sing 'out loud'... Read more

Our News