Latest News BecFest 2022 Here is a round up of BecFest 2022, from one of our facilitators on the project, Chris Morris:The programme of musical activity at Becton concluded with a festival of music, dance, food, drink and even a magic show, all produced by the young people themselves. Almost all of the young people we had engaged over the previous months were involved, performing alongside and independently from the workshop leaders and supporting teaching staff.The level of confidence reached by some of the young people was significant, with one young woman, H, who maintains almost no verbal communication, performing on guitar and then spontaneously donning a costume and dancing in front of everyone present.The young people sang and played guitars, ukeleles and percussion, all to songs of their choosing, and expressed that next time they would like to perform some of their own songs. (We're looking forward to this in the YYM office!)YYM musicians also performed 3 original songs, to a warm reception, showcasing the positive outcomes of original songwriting. There was a clear atmosphere of joy and inspiration, and a one young woman, A, only there for 3 days, was immediately asking to learn piano, having never done that before.Many staff members made comments on how much the young people had got out of the programme, and expressed enthusiasm for future projects starting in September.Chris MorrisSupporting workshop leader Yorkshire Youth and MusicHere's a snippet of Chris, and fellow musician Jess Armstrong, doing what they do best: Manage Cookie Preferences