We’re pleased to announce that F is about to start work on our project for vulnerable women and babies housed in secure accommodation. F has many years experience as a teacher and has recently been studying at York University on the MA in Community Music course. F has been assisting (known as 'A' to protect her identity whilst running the project), our lead musician for this programme. We'd like to say a big thank you to A, who has been running these sessions for women and their babies on behalf of YY&M since its inception. Once the project is completed, we may get the chance to introduce A without the anonymity.

The work A has done – and that F will continue to do – is highly regarded by Mums, and the care and support staff in the setting. And whilst face to face contact has been impossible during COVID, our musicians have still been providing activity sheets, music to sing along to, and giving in-house staff advice and guidance to ensure that music making continues whilst our musicians aren’t able to visit.